Project Description

High Spray Forage Chopper can chop forage crops Corn Straw, grasses to create silage for cattle farm. It can spray high directly to trucks and higher storage room to save labour cost.

The Forage Chopper can cut up plants for animal feed, like corn straw. grass and hay. Farmers often need to harvest crops like corn, sorghum, or alfalfa to feed their animals. These crops might be chopped into smaller pieces to make them easier for animals to eat or to ferment them into silage. Silage is a method of preserving forage by fermentation. So the chopper helps in preparing the crops for that process. Therefore, the Forage chopper is an important machine for Silage.

Besides, There are different settings to adjust the length of the chop, depending on what’s needed. Longer chop might be for certain types of storage or big animals, shorter for others.

What’s more, Comparing with nomal forage chpopers, the machine will spray the chopped forage high to upper storage or trucks . It is more conveient for transportation and storage.   Therefore, the high spray Forage chopper has more advantages at uneven terrain farms.  We can also use the Chopped forage to create silage, a fermented and preserved feed for livestock. The high spray feature may aid in the even distribution of the chopped material for better silage compaction.

Technical Parameters

Model HZCG-10 HZCG-15
Productivity 8-10 t/h 10-15 t/h
Suitable animals 100 Cattles, 300 sheep 200 cattles, 500 sheep
Engine 15HP Diesel engine 20HP Diesel engine
Forage cutting length 17/22/34/47 mm
Feeding conveyor Metal Feeding Conveyor
Feeding Forage Automatic Feeding
Measurement 1800*1300*2500 mm 2147*1600*2756 mm
Weight 500 kg 800 kg

HZCG-10 High Spray Forage Chopper with diesel engine chopping fresh corn straw for Cow


Chop Forage at Kenya 

Corn Straw chopping length adjustable for different animals

Can Spray the crushed forage to higher storage

Some farms feed cows with freshly chopped crop with Forage Chopper Machine.  some bigger farm need to store more Forage to feed at a later date.

What could they do ?    Farmers can cut grasses and legumes, chop them while still moist, bale them in round shape, pack with silage film, and put them in silos to ferment so they can be preserved (like the canned foods we eat).

What’s more, farmers cut grasses and legumes in the field, let them dry, and then bale them .  To make the baling and film covering work automaticlly,  we make the HZSB-55  Silage Baler Machine.   It is also called Mini Silage Baler and Hay Bale Machine.

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    Our company provides complete Forage Processing Machines for Cattle , Livestock Farm. which including HZC-5 Forage Chopper MachineHZCG-10 High Spray Forage Chopper ,  Silage Chopper with crusherSilage Baler,  Horizontal TMR MixerSquare Silage Baling Machine   Welcome to contact us for more information.


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